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we hurried so we didn’t miss the train
所以早点睡觉了 我累了  detail>>
hurry up or we will miss the train
快点不然我们就赶不上火车了  detail>>
but we didn’t have to pay
但我们不用付费  detail>>
regret we didn’t meet earlier
相见恨晚  detail>>
and so much we sacrifice
很多我们必要牺牲(很多我们已经牺牲)  detail>>
so glad we made it
真高兴我们做到了  detail>>
so we cannot ignore
所以我们不能忽视  detail>>
so we drove for a while
我们驾著车子逗了一圈 。  detail>>
we are so blessed
真有福气  detail>>
we are so lucky
如此的幸运  detail>>
we are so young
我们还那么年轻 我们太年轻  detail>>
we decide to do so
我们决定这样办  detail>>
we were so close
我们是如此接近 我们曾是那么接近  detail>>
we will fly so high
我们会飞得很高  detail>>
knowing the love we’ll miss
知道我们将错过的爱  detail>>
we miss you very much
我们老念着你  detail>>
so together we stand divided we fall
所以说我们肩并肩必定胜利,而分道扬镳必将失败  detail>>
so we know where we stand
方寸之间知进退  detail>>